Monday, March 27, 2006

I'm with Russ: If not Censure, how do you hold Bush accountable?

"I welcome their attempt to make a campaign issue of the question of whether there will be accountability for the president's breaking the law. They will remind people every minute that the president thumbed his nose at the law." -- Russ Feingold

I am now beyond the nay-saying DLC-types. Forget about them... too much negativity. We have a plan.

That's right! As we head into a week that will culminate in a Senate hearing over whether to Censure the President of the United States for wilfully, intentionally and repeatedly breaking the law, we should keep in mind the key point to the censure debate.

If you are not going to censure a President who breaks the law, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who illegally wiretaps, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who condones leaking CIA agent's identities, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who lies us to a 1-2 trillion dollar war with 2318 U.S. deaths, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who condones Abu Grahaib and Guantanamo, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who oversees the disaster response to Katrina, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who runs up a 9 trillion dollar debt, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who tries to obliterate social security, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who cuts taxes for the rich while deficits soar out of control, how do you hold him accountable?

If you are not going to censure a President who lobbies for and signs into law a moronic medicare drug program, how do you hold him accountable?

So stand with Russ. Ask the Republicans, "How will you hold the President accountable?"

This is a winner for us.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hey Dem Idiots: Censure Makes 2006 a Referendum Election

Look, I'm no genius at composing these diaries.  There are folks like Hunter and Dood Abides and emptywheel whose work blows me away.  But this censure issue is not rocket science.  Rove and the Republicans want 2006 to be what they call a "choice election."  They made 2004 a choice between Bush and Kerry, and then proceeded to trash a war hero so they could get their idiot candidate 47% of the vote and then steal the remaining 3% through election fraud.

The alternative to a "choice election" is a "referendum election" and even the "worst/stupidest president ever" can figure out how a referendum on a 33% President is going to turn out...
So all of you Dem Pro/DLC/Pudwhackers out there help me understand this...

If we want to make this election a referendum on Bush, why don't we use censure to push the Rethugs right into his arms.

If they want to defend illegal wiretapping, let them.
If they want to defend leaking CIA agent's identities, let them.
If they want to defend the lies that led us to a 1-2 trillion dollar war, let them.
If they want to defend 2318 U.S. deaths, let them.
If they want to defend Abu Grahaib and Guantanamo, let them.
If they want to defend Katrina, let them.
If they want to defend a 9 trillion dollar debt, let them.
If they want to defend trying to privatize social security, let them.
If they want to defend tax cuts for the rich, let them.
If they want to defend a moronic medicare drug program, let them.

But for CRYING OUT LOUD, don't stand there with them.

Even though Feingold's censure resolution focused on NISA, it is easy to imagine how the campaign could play out...

We don't need no stinkin' Contract with America...


Is there any easier way to make 2006 a "referendum election"?

What is so friggin hard about that?

OK, so I may not be as sharp as many if not most of my fellow diarists, but even a chimp can see that no Rethug wants to defend Bush in this election... Why are Dems making their jobs so friggin easy?  Just stand with Russ.